KFCM Global Missions

The Kingdom of God is greater than it’s constituency in the United State of America or Europe and other first world countries.

The Lord will have people of every nation, kindred and tongue. Yet there remain  many nations and people groups around the world who have not heard the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. There are even more who after hearing
about Jesus, are not free to practice the confession of their faith.

The Kingdom of God is greater than it’s constituency in the United State of America or Europe and other first world countries.
The Lord will have people of every nation, kindred and tongue. Yet there remain many nations and people groups around the
world who have not heard the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. There are even more who after hearing
about Jesus, are not free to practice the confession of their faith.

Global Missions is KFCM’s effort to take this message into the many nations of the world that need to hear of His redeeming
grace. We serve in Kenya and South Africa. We help equip leaders, train servants, establish small businesses, build places of worship, support orphanages, supply schools with books and curricula, train the trainers and offer financial assistance. This is an area that yet offers us the greatest opportunity to help those who are less fortunate than many of us who worship in America. After we are converted, we are then called to strengthen others.

Kingdom Fellowship Covenant Ministries Africa (KFCM Africa)

KFCM Africa, like KFCM USA, is a fellowship of men and women of God who have connected their ministries to a network that is first and foremost built on relationship. Because relationship building is at the heart, leaders seek to strengthen one another so that as a body they can establish the kingdom of God in the earth. In African nations where Christianity is not always embraced, a synergistic fellowship provides the support that ministries need to stay committed and be effective.
Through KFCM Africa, ministries have access to resources and training. KFCM Africa operates throughout the continent with the largest numbers of ministries coming from South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria. Its connection to the US ministry affords it access to assistance that is not readily available on the continent.
KFCM Africa is overseen locally by Bishop Alidi Mpateya in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He is assisted by Bishop Samuel Gathuma in Nyeri, Kenya.