Ministry Covenant

College of Bishops

Kingdom Fellowship Covenant Ministries College of Bishops is the governing body of KFCM that adjudicates those who aspire to the Episcopal offices of Overseer and Bishop.

They provide sound counsel, checks and balances to the Episcopal process, and practical assistance to the candidate and his/her congregation in preparation for the consecration. They undergird Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis in his assignment to bring a standard of truth, excellence and accountability to the process As necessary, the College of Bishops will support covenant pastors by providing access to KFCM’s leadership, mediating church crises, and praying and interceding for leaders and churches.

The Presidium of KFCM is a council of five Bishops that operate as the Executive Committee alongside Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis.


Those who answer the call to ministry have aligned themselves in agreement with God to shoulder the responsibility of church leadership. This call is not taken lightly. In KFCM, we have serious preparation and qualification processes. We are not quick to lay hands on anyone. (1 Timothy 5:22).
Our extensive process of training, interviews, background checks, and recommendations from family, congregants, the presbytery and/or Episcopacy provides legitimacy and credibility to the applicant. The applicant can take satisfaction that he or she has met the rigorous requirements.
None who chose to answer the call of ministry should take their credentials lightly. Your credentials are an indication of your professional qualification. Obtaining credentials online is an insult to you, your calling, and God. Neither doctors nor lawyers practice without a license. Your ministerial credentials provide the certification to the church and to the world that you are duly qualified to fulfill the weight of the call on your life.

Every two years, all licensed ministers and ordained deacons, elders, overseers, and Bishops are required to renew their
credentials. This allows us to maintain on-going accountability. Renewals are authorized after verification that both natural
and spiritual qualifications are adhered.

Benefits of Covenant

Scripture is filled, from Genesis to Revelation, with the concept and application of Covenant. Covenant is an interpersonal framework which requires trust, responsibilities, and benefits. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 provides us insight as to some basic human benefits of protection, strength, peace, and even profitability. Covenant is applicable to almost every human relationship from personal to business. In Scripture, covenant consistently reflects how man embraces his relationship to God.
Kingdom Fellowship Covenant Ministries relies heavily upon the same motivating factor as God does – covenant relationship. We do for one another because of our love for God and each other. God makes us an impenetrable fellowship (a threefold cord, not easily broken).
Working together, we provide:

Additional Benefits